Consistency builds this

Consistency builds this…

I could talk about this for hours, but we’re heading into the home stretch for 2018 — so I’ll keep this as short and valuable as possible :)

Success in this domain comes down to your creative (your content/message), and distribution(where you place it) — they need to be curated with consistency.

If you want to build authority with the right people, then you need to have both of these locked down (feel free to save the questions and fill them out)

1. Consistency Of Message

Is your message consistent?

Relative to your ideal customer, are you regularly revisiting their needs, and communicating this in a way that gets their attention?

Are you consistently showcasing that you provide the pathway to satisfying them(if not, then you are wasting their time, and yours).

2. Consistency of Delivery

Are you consistently delivering your message?

Is it being distributed regularly (on platforms that they’re actually using)?

On a monthly basis — do you have a flurry of posts and emails, followed by weeks of silence? Or a consistent drip feed of content?

After a purchase, do you have any contact with your customers?

Are you just pumping the one platform, or are you repurposing across all of your channels?

Trust (along with Authority) is built from consistency, this is the dynamic duo that precedes every sale, regardless of product, service, or market — it’s embedded in every single purchase behaviour.

2019 is the year of multi-channel marketing — now more than ever will we have to diversify our placements and make sure we’re firing on all cylinders.

Most of these channels are crowded because there are so many businesses going online now.

The more channels you use EFFECTIVELY (it’s still a quality game), the better you’re going to be….

It’s a series of managing expectations, fulfilling needs, and the experience in between which will predict your growth on a month to month basis.

- let me know which channels are you using right now, and which one’s you’re planning on exploring next year — I have a content day tomorrow, so will have time to hit you back with tips :)


ps. there are 10 proven categories that each business should be rolling through dependent on their objectives for each campaign.

From these alone, you can EASILY plan your calendar for the first quarter of 2019 and beyond.

How much more relaxed would you feel if you rolled into January with a plan, (or at the very least, some guidelines)…

Hit me back if you want me to send them through to you (it’s free) //

Zac Daunt