The living dead

Businesses that try to ruthlessly acquire, without strategies to re-engage and retain their customer base.

These owners typically experience a glass ceiling, with revenue that ebbs and flows unpredictably, finding it harder to break through to the next level. 

One month is steak dinners, and long lunches…

The next is clearance items at Aldi, and checking their mobile banking app 15 times a day.

If they stop working, the growth stops.

When they frantically try to sell the new, their existing clients are left wondering “what about us?”…

This stems from an overemphasis on Acquisition Strategy, and not enough on R&R (retention + re-engagement)

I’ll be running a mini-series specifically on the Metrics That Matter.

This has been by far the most clarifying exercise with my strategy clients.

From knowing and understanding these 10 Metrics, it completely shifts marketing from a ‘crippling expense’ to a ‘predictable, savvy investment’

I’ll be running this exclusively to my list - let me know if you want in by DM, or commenting below.

Zac Daunt