Our current trajectory is more important than our current results

Case in point;

Imagine you are flying from Perth to Brisbane.

They’re lining up the plane on the runway, but if the pilot adjusts the nose just a few degrees south, and follows the path in a straight line - you will land in Sydney, instead of Brisbane.

Such a small change is barely noticeable at takeoff—the nose of the airplane moves just a few metres off —but when magnified across Australia, they end up hundreds of kilometres apart.

That’s if our focus and intention is just a few degrees off.

Most owners operate their business purely off what they can see at the nose of the plane, not accounting for the bigger picture.

Or worse, some them may as well be completely blindfolded.

I’m here to say, nothing will land them in the wrong place faster than a misalignment across their Market, Offer, and Presence.

I’m building some more case studies for The M0 Method, and I’m looking for 3 more business owners that want to make moves in the first quarter of the 19 / 20 financial year.

We’ll be kicking off on July 1, and it’s a 90 day process, where together we will create a marketing system built on your unique value, and tailor strategies that will help you acquire, retain, and re-engage profitable clients.

The primary outcome is to empower you to understand your strategy and marketing numbers so well, it forever shifts it from ‘crippling expense’ to ‘savvy investment’

Get in touch via DM to find out more (only three spots).

Zac Daunt