The silent killer

The human mind is complex

In so many ways, it’s beautiful.

Every day, I am constantly blown away about what we are capable of creating to move us forward, individually and for our global community.


I believe our greatest gift, can also be our greatest curse.

We are wired to create more problems to solve.

Part of this is creatively making assumptions on behalf of others.

As business owners, it’s very easy to get stuck in a ‘GroupThink’ scenario with our partners, and employees.

We brainstorm, we throw ideas around all about what we THINK our customers want.

We ASSUME a lot.

It’s all with good intention, however, I’m sure you would have seen me write about the importance of trajectory.

If we’re orientating a few degrees off course, the magnitude of this amplifies substantially over time.

I.e. if we don’t nail this part, we’ll end up in a completely different place (and it’s not going to be a holiday destination)

Want to beat assumption?

Wed the relationship between your Market (your clients) & Offer (your product/service/solution)

We are ALL in the Product and Service industry - the features of our offer, pale in comparison to the true benefits that our clients seek.

Start with these three things;

1. Understand the True Outcome they want (The Product)

This is not just the ‘thing’ they are buying, it is generally linked to a biological or identity based driver - you’ll need to go a couple of layers deeper on this. 

2. Understand the Experience they seek (The Service)

  • What feeling are they chasing?

  • What does their customer journey look like (this starts before the sale, and doesn’t end on payment, btw).

3. Get REAL feedback and compare to the notes you’ve made

Who are your two favourite customers / clients?

  • Send them a message

  • Take them for coffee or lunch

  • Thank them for their business, and talk about why you value them

  • Ask them specifically why they value your business.

This is not a staged interview, we keep it very conversational - it’s a celebration, not an interrogation.

Just email me at if you want to know some of the questions you need to ask.


Ps. want to know what my biggest killer was? 

I assumed what prospects could or could not afford (which in retrospect, was ENTIRELY based off my own beliefs around money, not theirs).

Thankfully, I broke through with the help of some key mentors.  

Now, I create strategies and offers entirely around the value of a customer to the business I’m working with.

No assumptions, no guesswork - it completely shifts marketing as a misunderstood expense, to a savvy, calculated investment; it’s a complete game changer.

Pricing is just a marketing piece in the perception of value in a commitment - consistently match this and the world is yours.

Zac Daunt