What we say vs. what they hear [two mistakes]

Today I wanted to cover the core reason most marketing collateral doesn’t work.

There is a misalignment in What We Say (as business owners), vs. What They Hear (as our customers) - i.e. we're not speaking to what they want and desire.

That in itself really boils down to two things;

Short answer;

1) Our approach is too complicated, or

2) It’s too vague.

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Zac Daunt
Why we always want more (The Diderot Effect)

It’s true what they say.

We are a collective of all of the experiences that come before us.

And through these experiences, we construct an idea of who we are, and how we like to present ourselves to the world.

To introduce ourselves with our presence before we utter a word.

The same is true with our customers, in the pursuit of creating their ideal self, they consciously and subconsciously make decisions to support this through their purchases.

As business owners, it’s important to understand why our people buy, and what's really driving the next move, the next purchase - and the story of Denis Diderot’s embodies this journey...

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Zac Daunt
Why are people trying to get married before their first date? [+ how to avoid this fatal marketing mistake]

The concept of Married At First Sight is an interesting one.

A series of experts pair hopeful brides and grooms with their ‘perfect match’, before running them through the gauntlet on national TV, all under the guise of creating a life long partnership where they ride off into the sunset together.

Unsurprisingly, it's a complete flop, with only one couple still together after the last five seasons…

You just can’t fight the laws of human nature.
Well, it’s really no different from how a lot of businesses approach their prospects

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Zac Daunt
THE LARGER MARKET FORMULA [this changed the game for me]

What if I told you there is a HIGH chance that 97% of your communication is misdirected?

Jump onto any marketing campaign and you’ll see the vast majority of their communication is all driven around the immediate sale…

Buying now

Enquiring now

Acting now...


What if I were to tell you that only 3% of your audience (on average) is actually willing to buy now?

How would that shape your next conversation?

This brings me to the Larger Market Formula

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Zac Daunt
The Power Of True Fans

Fans, Avatars, Buyer Personas, Ideal Customers - however, you want to slice or dice it - this exercise is one of the most important ones you will ever go through in your business journey - truly identifying the people you serve.
I always like to ask people to take it a level higher, to create Advocates.

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Zac Daunt
An Inadequate Container

There’s an assault on the mind…

The chaos in the market place is a reflection of our population at large, we don’t know how to cope with the noise…
Information and advertising has never been so relentless, and customers have never demanded more from brands.

To better understand what we’re up against, we need to take a look at the ultimate objective of all communication - the human mind, which, truthfully is a totally inadequate container for the barrage of the modern day.

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Zac Daunt
An epic way to re-think distraction

People don’t buy what you sell, its why you do it, and how they relate to the new world you can lead them to.

Therefore marketing isn’t a few individual events, it’s the sum total of everything you do.

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Zac Daunt
Einstein's definition of insanity

We really can’t expect to break into new territory by doing what we’ve always done, or by lagging behind the success of others — it’s how you get stuck playing a never ending game of catch up.

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Zac Daunt
Wisdom from a fortune cookie

January is such an interesting month.

While some may be buzzing with motivation, refreshed from a much-needed break - amped up by resolutions, and the promise of new opportunities.

Others may feel like its Groundhog Day, getting back on the hamster wheel for another 365 days, already counting down to the next public holiday.

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Zac Daunt